
Intense! – This video has been posted to the MarkHenkelSpeaker youtube channel today.

What a day that Saturday, November 3, 2012, was for me. After being up past midnight the night before to network with other Toastmasters, I had to get up at 4:45 am! At 6:00 am, I had to meet with the Conference planners to begin the first half-hour of logistics preparation for my workshop presentation at 8:30 am. At that early in the morning, the podium (one-foot raised floor) had not yet even been set up! After starting all that, I had to leave to attend an official “District Executive Council (DEC) Meeting” from 6:30 to 8:00 am. Then I had to run back for the final logistics setup from 8:00, in order to be ready for my presentation to begin at 8:30 am.

But that is not what THIS post or video are even about. Rather, the foregoing is mentioned so that you have an idea of how tiring it was for me by the time that I gave this speech. LOL Namely, after the whole day of Conference activities, the “Open Mic Night” finally got started around 9:30 pm that same night. I was the 4th person to be “at the mic” – although I did not even use the microphone because my voice can carry! This fun event was an opportunity for anyone who had a song, a comedy act, a speech, or anything to step up to the Mic and “just have fun.” So, I volunteered to do one of my speeches.

I have found that, for people who are just getting to know me, it is always best that I share this entertaining “get to know me” speech. Not only does it get them laughing, but it explains a lot about me, in advance. LOL For that reason, I have presented this speech at several different venues. This video here was my way of introducing myself to all of Toastmasters District 45 at the Fall Conference.

Presented at “Open Mic Night”, 9:30pm, Saturday, November 3, 2012
Toastmasters District 45 Fall Conference
Hilton Garden Inn, in Bangor, Maine

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